Professor of biology,
Member of European Geosciences union

Traditional and non-traditional approaches to the prediction of natural disasters

Since the beginning of the 21st century the number of disasters in the world increased approximately two times (Global catastrophic risks, 2012, www.egu2014-2015).Damage from disasters cost an average of 230 billion dollars per year. Only in 2013, insurance companies paid by the insured disaster victims 40 billion dollars. Recently, the death toll in the disaster has reached 230,000 - a million a year. Along with earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and increased the number of forest and steppe fires. Only in Russia damage from them has reached 160 billion rubles a year. The reasons for this tragic rostrum are unknown. Of course, the role of human factor here is low (Сапунов, 2011, Зеленая угроза, 2014). These processes are not fully known global, geophysical and space reasons (Баренбаум, 2002). Of great importance are perennial not until the end of the study of natural cycles. There is evidence that the state of the planet's surface affect processes in the Earth's core (Попов, 2012, Sapunov, 2015).
Understanding the causes and prediction of the tragic events require an integrated effort based on the synthesis of various natural sciences as well as history which has knowledge about the disasters of the past. Non-traditional areas of natural science, to study the process on the brink of the known and the unknown, may become fruitful. In particular, cryptobiology as studying of problematic biological objects and phenomena (Сапунов, 2000, Sapunov, 2013). Factor that reduces the risk is constant monitoring, including both distant and contact methods (Sapunov, Voronov, 2014). However, its possibility is limited. Firstly, due to the high cost of global, especially space monitoring. Secondly, due to the unpredictability of the many long time processes, including weather. Let us consider approaches based on understanding of processes, which are real, but not known to modern science.

Animals are able to predict hazards
In December 2004, the countries of Southeast Asia hit by a terrible disaster - the tsunami (Figure 1). The death gotten 250 000 people. Given missing this value reaches a million. Animals in this cataclysm appeared to stay safety. Almost all of them - both wild and domestic - advance left the danger zone.

Fig. 1. Results of tsunami.

In May 2005, was carried out with the discharge of excess water Kuban Sea (North Caucasis). When this was broken safety. Alignment of the dam Kuban electrical power station does not open a few hours, as expected according to the instructions, and twenty minutes. Formed man-made tsunami washed away several villages. Animals are not affected - they had to leave the danger zone. Natural tsunami may have physical predecessors - infrasound from the earth's crust shifts, coming out of the cracks in the lithosphere radon. But what physical factors that precede the human stupidity, could give a signal to the animals in the Kuban?
Participants nuclear tests show - a day before the explosion of the animals escape from the landfill (Шевченко, 2003). Moment of the explosion is a military secret. How animals can to recognize it?
This means that animals have the ability to predict the future (Stracer, 2013, Галимов, 2013). This is only a very significant, catastrophic events. This possibility is not absolute. In the end, the animals, like people, are killed by any reasons.
To any extent the ability to predict disaster may belong to people, although less pronounced than that of animals. It is known that the ships that will drown and air jets that shall be broken by an average 15% Incomplete. The number of refusals of flights in case of future disasters increased. Hence, people can predict the future. However, the ability is not expressed at all, and much weaker than in animals. Sailors have a belief - if the rats are leaving the ship before sailing, he is likely to drown. Recently it has been made with a view to check whether this is true (Зарубицкий, 2011). Basic material - declassified data on sunken ships of the Northern convoys during World War II, of course, this sort of sampling over a large and representative than in peacetime. Conclusion - a sailor's belief is real.
How does it possible to get information from the future?
The most important abiotic factor, the physical nature of which is still not clear - time. The biosphere is constantly in his stream. The essence of time to study philosophy and, to a lesser degree in physics.To date, a clear understanding of the category no. One of the scientists, who achieved some success in the study of time, was Nikolai Kozyrev (Козырев, 1908-1983). He devoted his life to the study of the phenomenon of time and attempt to systematize the knowledge of him as a physical substance. Here are the basic points of his theory.
1. Time - the essence of physical substance, a similar field.
2. Time exists in the universe.
3. The information in the field of time messages in unlimited speed.
4. Within certain limits the possibility of predicting the future and getting information from the past may be available.
5. Determination of events is diffuse (Козырев, 1991).
Widely recognized and complete theory of the time he did not create. Level of science of the XX century did not allow such a theory to be born. Scientist outlined ways to create a general theory, which can be created by his followers in the twenty-first century. Kozyrev had no special biological education, however, having a breadth of thought of the true scientist, he realized the importance of biological science in the study and understanding of the phenomenon of time. He wrote, "... the properties of time should be of particular importance in biological processes ... for his properties and bind the world together and can exercise influence over each other phenomena, between which there is no direct physical connections, which may explain the interaction of biological facts objects in remote and isolated from each other. " (Козырев, 1991, p. 384).
Realizing that the phenomenon of time can’t be studied in a single physics, Kozyrev maintained a long time fruitful contacts with representatives of the biological sciences and the humanities. The scientist and his colleagues were not limited to pure theory. They created devices sensitive to power powerful processes of the future. The simplest - torsion balance – very light arm not hyperfine thread - see. Fig. 2. This equipment may react of processes in future.

Fig. 2. Simplest torsion scale.
Traditional physics recognizes the existence of several fields. These are fields (or one field) of the microcosm, that is, nuclear interactions. Macrocosm has two known fields of the - the electromagnetic and gravitational. Kozyrev in his theoretical calculations and experiments found the third field - the field of time (chrono-information). Through it can instantly and accurately transmit information in space. Data can be transmitted and in time - from the past or the future, however, a diffuse form. The less significant by energy event is, the farther it is remote in time, the less accurate it becomes the transmitted information.
At the level of the XXI century science can assume that living systems interact with the field of time, acquiring properties of clairvoyance, telepathy and the ability to predict the future. In humans, this ability is weak. Animals have stronger possibility to predict.
1. Create in addition to traditional monitoring system for monitoring the behavior of animals that can anticipate disasters natural and anthropogenic genesis based on the properties proscopy.
2. Carry out laboratory investigations of the physical properties of time based on the ideas Kozyrev and other Russian scientists.
3. Some known devices may be used to predict the existing, such as torsion balance.
4. To develop a theoretical framework of proscopy is actual field of both theoretical and applied science.


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